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Raptor tooth?


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Am I right in this being a type of raptor tooth? From Shaximiao formation. 1cm?

No raptors are described from there yet, so I don't expect a species to be narrowed down. But I am curious if it is raptor or a juvenile of something larger.







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There are three "raptors" described from there, Agilisaurus, Xiaosaurus and Hexinlusaurus.

All are not well described. The tooth does not 100% remind me to one of this three (most to Hexinlusaurus), but I would assume it is (due to the shape and the serration) a raptor teeth.

Interesting one.

Is the stratigraphic position sure?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, rocket said:

There are three "raptors" described from there, Agilisaurus, Xiaosaurus and Hexinlusaurus.

All are not well described. The tooth does not 100% remind me to one of this three (most to Hexinlusaurus), but I would assume it is (due to the shape and the serration) a raptor teeth.

Interesting one.

Is the stratigraphic position sure?

Have they been reclassified? When I search Agilisaurus and Xiaosaurus and Hexinlusaurus it shows them as being herbivore ornithiscian rather than carnivorous raptors.


The location is correct.

Edited by FF7_Yuffie
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I have seen Hexinlusaurus-front-teeth that reminds me a bit to yours, but not definitely...

The Hexin-teeth had been more round, but (unusual) with serration. Got this info from an asian collector and dealer who tried to sell some a year ago..

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This tooth is giving me crocodylomorph vibes, particularly the serrations as it transitions towards the tip look more croc than theropod.


There are two goniopholids from this deposit, Hsisosuchus and Sunosuchus. I know the similarly aged Shishugou Formation which shares some genera like Sunosuchus, has Junggarsuchus, which is described as being theropod-like in teeth and skull.

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I've been seeing a few teeth from this region and age recently, but the theropod-like crocs in this region may prove to be a big problem in identification.


There's not a lot of good pictures in regards to Hsisosuchus, but its teeth has been described as being laterally compressed, recurved, and serrated.


Hsisosuchus dashanpuensis - https://www.vertpala.ac.cn/EN/Y2005/V43/I04/312



The fluting rules out cf. Junggarsuchus sp., but it is worth noting the theropod-like dentition of this odd croc given the similar age, geography, and fauna.


Junggarsuchus sloani - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361277886_Anatomy_and_relationships_of_the_early_diverging_Crocodylomorphs_Junggarsuchus_sloani_and_Dibothrosuchus_elaphros



Tooth of a Junggarsuchus sloani. Yes, this is a croc tooth.




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It also looks more crocodylomorph than dinosaurian to me.

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Thanks for the help. Since there is doubt about the ID, it isn't one I will buy.


That Jungarrsuchus tooth is certainly extremely theropod like! Wow.

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