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Bones or just burrows? Something else?


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Hello everyone,


got a wierd fossil here of which i have no clue what it is. Currently focusing on dino and reptile bones i am maybe a bit biased towards thinking this is a plate with ichtyosaur bones that needs some prepping. But it could also be burrows. Perhaps its not a fossil at all.


at the back is something that looks a bit like a vertebra. But could also be something else. 

at the front it has a calcium vein which reminds me of the veins found in keichosaur skeletons. 

Maybe it because more prepping is needed but the bones are not very clear.

there is no info where its from, the plate is 30 by 15 cm.



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My first thought is not bone but where is this from and what is the size.  If any of this is bone I want to see bone texture so I would like a clear how power photo of a fragment where the surface has been broken 

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It's a pity that you don't know where it's from, since that extremely reduces any scientific value that it may have, no matter what it may be.

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Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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A while back I posted a find that showed fractures similar to these elements thinking they may favor a bone identification. The motion was not seconded. Therefore, I vote burrow traces on this one. 

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I mainly collect Ordovician fossils, maybe that's why I see branching bryozoans in the first photo, and maybe embedded bryozoans in the second photo. Location and better photos would surely help identification.:shrug:

Edited by Denis Arcand

One fossil a day will keep you happy all day:rolleyes:

Welcome to the FOSSIL ART

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