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Leaf fossil identification


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Hello everyone, I'd like some help identifying this leaf fossil.

The dimensions of the rock seen in the attached image are approximately 7x9 cms (width x height).

It was bought in Greece, but it could be from anywhere around the world.



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Could you make a picture in daylight? A bit sharper then this one please

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10 minutes ago, Fitch1979 said:

Could you make a picture in daylight? A bit sharper then this one please

It is nighttime here so I'll send some in the morning. Meanwhile, I took some better photos, maybe they'll be enough. The second one is edited to highlight the fossil as much as possible.





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6 hours ago, Yaezir said:

And here's a picture in the sun.


I was unsure to see a lanceolate rather than a hastate leaf. But clearly lanceolate leaf.


Thing is, there are not many trees with lanceolate and serrated leafs. But still, too many options. Morella cerifara or some willow species come to mind... but there are over a dozen others. And then.. it looks more of a leaf of some species of shrub to me actually. Even more options.


Hungary (matrix looks similar) and Slovakia have some well documented and commercial leaf fossils. And are not too far from Greece.. but there are more places in the Balkan.

Edited by Fitch1979
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Interesting  acquisition.  I'm unfortunately not good enough to offer/figure out that one with that level of preservation and missing the age and country/location. 

Maybe an oak or something similar? Quercus? 

Maybe Tim or perhaps Thomas and Scott have run across something similar they recognize. @piranha, @oilshale


Here's a possible start to dig into if its from Greece and Cenozoic..


Review of Paleobotany and Palynology

Volume 204, May 2014, Pages 56-117

Review of Cenozoic floras and vegetation of Greece

Dimitrio Velitzelos, Johannes M. Bouchal, Thomas Denk



I blew up my harddrive recently and dont have full adobe acrobat anymore so I cant download it but it was viewable..

Regards, Chris 

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Sorry, I don't recognize the matrix or the leaf type. Maybe something like Fraxinus, Salix...there are just too many possibilities.

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Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes (Confucius, 551 BC - 479 BC).

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