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A few Pentamerids from the collection.


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One of my favourite brachiopod groups are the Pentamerida, and I thought I might share a few specimens for those of you interested in such things.


They are all of Silurian age and are from three different countries.


The first is Pentameroides septentrionalis - a large example from Akimiski Island in Hudson Bay. It is from the Lower Silurian Attawapiskat Formation. 


The second image is of two Gypidula sp. from the Middle Silurian Wenlock Limestone of the English Midlands. The final specimen is of Kirkidium laqueatum from the Upper Silurian of Indiana, USA.


I obtained these species by exchanging with other brachiopod collectors. Hope you like them.






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I do like them. Very nice pentamerids. :b_love1:

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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Very nice! :wub: :wub: And that Pentameroides is huge, and from a very unusual locality!!



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