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Green petrified wood, great, but, from where...?


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We got an interesting green slice of petrified wood, incredible color. I have only seen them from Turkey or USA (Oregon? Nevada?, I forgot) many years ago.

This has no information, it is more 80:20 for USA because most of the other woodslices in this collection came from USA. But, some from Africa, Asia, Europe..., so, I do not know.

What do you think?

Perhaps, @paleoflor has an idea?

Size is approx. 20 cm, this is around 8"



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55 minutes ago, Coco said:





Although green petrified wood is a rare color, green petrified wood is found in a number of sites worldwide.  I would need to look at the piece under a microscope.  If there is good wood cell structure in the piece, that would help narrow down the possible sites.  However, the piece might not have wood cell structure because it didn't fossilize, or the piece might be a mineralized cast or even something like a fossil bog jasper like Gary Green jasper from Oregon.


Marco Sr.

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@MarcoSr: thanks. I try to do some clear pics of the cellularstructure next time. Hope it will be easier than. This pic was taken with my mobile, o.k. for a first view, but..

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