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Please help identify strange green and other rocks from the Aegean Sea


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Hello everyone,


I am very new here, but I have been a very passionate amateur collector of pretty stones and minerals I am able to find around. Earlier this summer, I was diving at a beach in the Aegean Sea and found several interesting rocks that I would be happy to identify.


Starting with the green mystery - I found it buried in the sand under the water. I realize it might be man-made, but it does not feel painted. When I tried to chip it with another regular rock, the other one got painted green  but the green one didn't really chip or show any colors underneath. I know very little about these things, but I am wondering if this could naturally happen somehow. The other peculiar thing about this is that the stone is oddly light in weight. It is 10cm x 5cm.

At the same beach, again underwater, I found some suspicious bones that I will post in the Fossil topic for identification, but I also found some other large rocks that had obvious veins in them. When I cracked them open, they turned out amazing. If you can point me to what these are as well, I will really appreciate it.












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I'm not at all sure what your green stone might be, but the veins in the other rocks are either quartz or calcite. Calcite would fizz under a few drops of a weak acid like vinegar essence, quartz would not.

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Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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The green piece looks like malachite, but that would not be "light". Could be melted then beach worn plastic- see if it will burn.(red hot pin.)

The rest look like quartz/agate with crystalized vugs.

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Thank you both for the information provided!


For the green one, I tested and it is not plastic, has the exact feel and effect of stone, it is very hard actually, I could barely scratch it.

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2 hours ago, AnnaNova said:

For the green one, I tested and it is not plastic, has the exact feel and effect of stone, it is very hard actually, I could barely scratch it.


perhaps some kind of glass or ceramics? Unusual green color and shape, looks more like an industrial remain than a natural stone. But, never seen one like this before

Edited by rocket
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7 hours ago, AnnaNova said:

Thank you both for the information provided!


For the green one, I tested and it is not plastic, has the exact feel and effect of stone, it is very hard actually, I could barely scratch it.

Can you do a hardness test, mohs scale? A streak test - color? Specific gravity?




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