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Meet this 500 million-year-old, taco-shaped marine creature that has 30 pairs of legs. Cambrian- Burgess Shale


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500-Million-Year-Old ‘Alien Fish Taco’ Was among First

Creatures with Jaws. A bizarre fossil of a Cambrian creature 

that looked like an “alien fish taco” reveals how a single 

group with jaws came to account for around 90 percent of 

all animal species on Earth. 

By Ashley Balzer Vigil, Scientific American


Meet this 500 million-year-old, taco-shaped marine creature

that has 30 pairs of legs. Royal Ontario Museum study reveals 

surprising new details about an animal first discovered 100 years ago

Nicole Mortillaro, CBC News, July 23, 2024


The paywalled paper is:


Izquierdo-López Alejandro and Caron Jean-Bernard, 2024,

The Cambrian Odaraia alata and the colonization of nektonic

suspension-feeding niches by early mandibulatesProc. R. 

Soc. B.29120240622




Paul H.

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