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Looking for sites in Northern NJ, Southern NY, or Eastern PA. Struggling.


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Mostly the title. I’ve been struggling for a long time to find a site- using survey maps for bedrock age and composition, and taking many a road trip to countless spots. But at every end i am met with private property or completely inaccessible sites. 

I dont want to go to the places that are written down on every map like the montour fossil preserve, where a dozen people go a day. I want to find that quiet, secluded site where a few people know of, and that is infrequently visited. 

the last one like that i have been to was the exposed shale over in Centralia, PA. Silent, empty, and mostly untouched. I could just sit there, crawl along slowly, and look at all the fossil ferns. I even got lucky enough to find a piece of fern on some broken shale at the bottom of the hill.


Im hoping someone here knows of a little site that might contain a trilobite, gastropod, or any cool marine fauna/flora that i could visit and photograph, and with permission of whoever found it, even maybe collect.


Does anyone got a spot? I’m talking little secluded sites. Stuff where you park at some random park or pull off on the side of the road and follow some gps coordinate type deal.

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If finding a secluded site is indeed as difficult as you say, why on earth would anyone that has found one give it away to a random on the internet?

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This topic will be locked. If anyone has suggestions, please use the PM system. 


Posting little known sites on a publicly searchable forum is a recipe for having said sites too well known and over collected.

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