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Searching For A Location In Morgan County, Alabama...


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I've seen in several publications information about a spot in Morgan County, Alabama where fossil fish can be found - the only problem is that the directions only read "S15T6r2w S10t6r2w in a Northeast trending limestone." Could someone help me with this? I have no clue as to how to even begin to decipher it! Thanks!

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I've seen in several publications information about a spot in Morgan County, Alabama where fossil fish can be found - the only problem is that the directions only read "S15T6r2w S10t6r2w in a Northeast trending limestone." Could someone help me with this? I have no clue as to how to even begin to decipher it! Thanks!

get a sectional map that sould help.

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From that website:

"Locations such as SE1/4S32T17WR4N refer to the Public Land Survey System in the United States or the similar Dominion Land Survey in Canada. Read that as SouthEast quarter section of Section 32 Township 17W Range 4N".

Here is a Wikipedia article on the Public Land Survey System: >CLICK HERE<

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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These are also called legal descriptions out here in the west. Once you have the legal description figured out, you'll need a map to find out where it actually is. The county clerk's office ought to have something whichshows the leagal divisons of the county. The info you have limits the site to two square miles. S15T6r2w is section 15 in Township 6 Range 2 west. Once you see these maps, this info will make sense, especially if someone at the county office is willing to help you learn. It will also help oyu see who owns the land. That is, who to ask permission from. You should be able to find the topo maps for this region, which will give you a good idea what is in those two square miles topographically. It won't tell you the geology. You'll need a geology map for that.

all of this is part of the fun detective work we do to find good sites.

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Yep, two different sections. section 5 and Section 10. Good thing it kinda narrows it down but only for those who indeed seek will put forth effort to find.

Section information

36 sections in a Township

#1 starts in NE corner to the west to #6 drop down that #7 to the east to #12. See the pattern.

Each section is 1 mile square (5280 ft x 5280 ft)

Each section is 640 acres, half section 230, quarter section 120....

So within that section a legal will tell you the little square of whatever it may be in but its very possible its wide spread and just stop in some oltimers place and ask if he ever seen any fossils! LOL

The hunt is the best part of anything!


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