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Hello, I found this a little while ago and I am thinking mandible of some sort? It was found on a gravel bar in eastern kansas. Thank you for your help!



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Are there alveoli that I'm just not seeing in the photos?  Looks more like a vert process to me.

Fin Lover

image.png.e69a5608098eeb4cd7d1fc5feb4dad1e.png image.png.e6c66193c1b85b1b775526eb958f72df.png image.png.65903ff624a908a6c80f4d36d6ff8260.png image.png.e69a5608098eeb4cd7d1fc5feb4dad1e.png


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No, I was originally thinking it could have been some sort of turtle mandible or maxillary.


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Pretty far outta my wheelhouse here, but could this possibly be something like a fish preoperculum?


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