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I recently went on holiday with my girlfriend to the North Yorkshire Moors, and of course while we were there we went to a couple of beaches to look for fossils (specifically along Robin Hood's Bay and Saltwick Bay), and I've finished making reference collages for them, and I just wanted to share them. I IDed them to the best of my ability (along with some help from members of this forum), but as I only became interested in fossils earlier this year, it is quite likely that some IDs may be wrong, or could be taken further. If that is the case, please let me know!

I don't want this post to be ridiculously long so I'll only post what we found from Saltwick Bay. The find from Robin Hood's Bay are in a separate post.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy what we found!


5.1 - Cylindroteuthis sp. (?) - This is my first proper big belemnite, and I'm really happy that it's mostly complete! I'm almost certain that when I extracted it from its rock that it was complete, so I think I misplaced the other bit which is a bit of a shame, but I've still got most of it!


5.2 - Dacryomya sp. (?)


5.3 - (Extremely crushed!) gastropod?


5.4 - Dactylioceras sp. (?) whorl and bivalve


5.5 - (Pyritised?) brachiopod?


5.6 - Dacryomya sp. (?)


5.7 - Dacryomya sp. (?) - This is the biggest and most complete bivalve I've found, so quite happy with it!


5.8 - Dacryomya sp. (?)


5.9 - Dacryomya sp. (?)


5.10 - Dactylioceras sp. (?)


5.11 - Acrocoelites sp. (?) - Also really happy with this belemnite because its so big and chunky!


5.12 - (teeny tiny pyritised (?)) brachiopod


5.13 - Dacryomya sp. (?)


5.14 - Clyindroteuthis sp. (?)


5.15 - Dacryomya sp. (?)


5.16 - (very worn) fossilised wood?


5.17 - I don't even know if this a fossil, but I like it anyway


5.18 - Hispidocrinus scalaris

5.19 - Brachiopod


5.20 - Hispidocrinus scalaris


5.21 - Clyindroteuthis sp. (?)


5.22 - Interior of ammonite - Found by my girlfriend! I love the sutures and how they're like fractals. I tried to ID this using the suture graphs in the Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils but I didn't get very far.


5.23 - (Pyritised?) Ammonite/shell bed - This is possibly my favourite find because it is two halves of a fossil that go together, and the golden colour (whether its pyritisation or not) looks really cool! Also I think its always cool to have fossils with various taxa!



Thanks for having a look, and I hope you enjoyed!

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