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8' long tooth or claw found in Central texas


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Hello Fossil Folks, This is likely a typical request. What I think is a fossil was found and I would like to know what it might be, It appears to have too much of a biological shape to be a rock. The pictures show the top bottom and sides, There are some pictures of the fracture face. There are no visible serrations so it is not likely a tooth. It might be a claw or a spike. I would think a spike to be more round.  For a claw there does not appear to be noticeable wear. This was found between San Antonio and Austin. It was near the surface on a slight hill. As my nickname shows I am an amateur. Would love to hear what you have to say.


I apologize if my pics got downloaded twice. Pls just go by the numbers.












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Sorry to say but this looks geological. i.e. it is a very unusually shaped rock.

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yeah, I agree with geologic origin. It looks like limestone, and limestone can take on really strange shapes like this when water flows through and around it.

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No enamel, so, it isn't a tooth.

No bone texture, so, not a claw core, either.


Suggestively shaped limestone would be my bet.

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If you look at the last picture, you can clearly see the bedding planes of the rock.  That rules out any fossil or internal mold cast of a fossil.

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Professional fossil preparation services at Red Dirt Fossils, LLC.  https://reddirtfossils.com/

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I concur.

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