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Hunting Charlie Creek


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Peace River water depth has stopped fossil hunting. I am having withdrawal symptoms. 

When a friend offered a trip up tributary Charlie Creek ,  I jumped at the chance. At 7 am , we left the Gardner boat ramp heading upstream and quickly entered Charlie Creek. We saw lots of large gators trying to escape the turbulence of Peace River currents. The further we went up Charlie Creek, the speed and churn of the water dropped. It was still DEEP and wide. 



As we got closed to the Route 17 Bridge,  I noted a distinct aroma in the air with buzzards circling.



I always overestimate the size of Alligators... but this one had to be around 10 feet long...

We kept going passing under the Rt 17 Bridge moving upstream.  There were lots of new properties and campsites on the Banks that were not these 4-5 years ago and lots of Posted signs. Used to be no one bothered posting their land.  The water underneath us was slowing down but still wide and deep.



After 90  minutes of moving upstream, we were close to a place named Razzor Ranch on the maps,  but realized that we had used most of the 1st tank of gas and it would likely take 1/2 the 2nd tank to reach our destination.. meaning , even though we would have the current helping, we likely would run out of gas before reaching the Gardner boat ramp... 

That possibility sharpened our minds, and we turned around....

Going downstream with the current behind in a flat bottomed boat is always exciting,  but we escaped with minimal damage ,




This is a photo of the Rt 17 Bridge heading south.  Note the relative calm and width of the creek.  

Not a bad way to spend the morning,  lots of birds,  some fish, lots of cows,   a big bull (property on right is Peace River Ranch, unposted, allows overnight camping) and a lot of gators... 

Talking to a good friend about hunting Charlie Creek and what we found the last decade.

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Looks even bigger than 10 to me, huge either way.  Love your reports Jack.  Even though I’m not in Florida any longer I still track the water levels and it really swelled the past few weeks. 

keep up with the reports, keeps me hoping I’ll get back before too long. 


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I fortunately got to hunt Charlie Creek right before the water level went up after the storm. Lots of small shark teeth and a few peices of horse teeth. Few months before we had a great hunt but this last hunt was not as successful! Still has a great time regardless!

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I can't believe this was just a site seeing expedition. Did you sift at all? Should have yanked a few of those gator teeth!

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2 hours ago, minnbuckeye said:


I can't believe this was just a site seeing expedition. Did you sift at all? Should have yanked a few of those gator teeth!

Mike, I had good intentions  !! See the shovel blade on the lower left of this photo:  Also carried an 8 foot surveyors pole ... could never touch bottom..

I temporarily thought about those teeth,  but was persuaded by the buzzards , the smell, and the thought that one of those LIVE gators might be lurking in the deep water under this dead one.  I must be getting risk_adverse as I age...




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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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