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SE Texas - Horse femur - Cormohipparion?


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So I found this horse femur last weekend here in SE Texas... Beaumont Formation, river gravel bank. It's solid, heavy and mineralized. I've never really dug deep into what types of horse we had... also, I personally have not found any 3-toed horse material - tho they have been discovered in this part of the state. Looking at the Researchgate diagram with the distal femur ends... I was wondering if the Cormohipparion femur was more closely matched than Equus with this specimen. And my main reasoning is the pointed edge to the higher articular surface. After some research... Cormohipparion was here in Texas and as far south as Mexico. 

Size is 7 inches in length, 3 inches wide, and 4 inches tall.

*And it is possible the edge was shaped by river wear... and it's Equus. Wanted to get other thoughts. 











Edited by johnnyvaldez7.jv
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