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Just got back from Manasota Key, FL. Found a ton of teeth and fossils. It was awesome. Don’t want to put too much in one post but curious if any of these finds stand out ?


Thank you in advance as always.


#1 is almost identical on both sides and symmetrical






#2 gives me tooth vibes… human tooth? 😳 hopefully not.





#3 could be shell fragment but not sure























Are #7,8,9 Tilly bones?








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Nice finds!


#2 looks to be a mammalian incisor. I highly doubt it's human. Horse or camel would be my guess.

#4 is a dermal denticle of a stingray. You know how on the back of some stingrays you see little spikes going down the middle of their back? This is one of those.

#5 looks to be a concretion

#7 is a stingray tooth

#8 could be a Tilly Bone but I'm not familiar enough with them to say for sure.


No idea on the others.

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I'm new here. Just wanted to say very interesting collection. I'm in Florida also 

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It is better to put the captions under each photo concerned, because here we are forced to scroll to know what you’re talking about.




Pareidolia : here

Ma bibliothèque PDF 1 (Poissons et sélaciens récents & fossiles) : ici
Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
Mâchoires sélaciennes récentes : ici
Hétérodontiques et sélaciens : ici
Oeufs sélaciens récents : ici
Otolithes de poissons récents ! ici

Un Greg...

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Really more convenient, thank you ! :Smiling:


No. 2 reminds me of a worn tooth from the Miocene fish Diplodus jomnitanus, but it is not known what period your fossils belong to.


For the 4th I confirm the ray dermal denticle.


The 5 reminds me of a calcareous alga. Here some from "maerl" :



For the rest I can’t help.



Edited by Coco
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Pareidolia : here

Ma bibliothèque PDF 1 (Poissons et sélaciens récents & fossiles) : ici
Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
Mâchoires sélaciennes récentes : ici
Hétérodontiques et sélaciens : ici
Oeufs sélaciens récents : ici
Otolithes de poissons récents ! ici

Un Greg...

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Neat finds! 

5 is very cool! I also wondered about it being a calcareous algae at Coco suggested or I was wondering if perhaps its part of a shrimp burrow...

Maybe under magnification you can tell what its made up of? Are they individual tiny angular or rounded sand grains cemented together? 


8 does appear to be a pretty worn tilly bone with the bilateral symmetry and boney nature...I like it! 


Regards, Chris 

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@Plantguy thank you! I’ll try to check #5 out under magnification. Interesting feedback!

and I was hoping you’d chime in about #8! I’m getting a little better at identifying tilly bones. Still have a lot to learn. I really appreciate your input :)

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