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Ichthyosauria vert from Kimmeridge Clay or Oxfordshire?

Zomb Ren

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Hi friends, I got this UK vert when I was 15. At that time, the seller told me that the location is ‘UK Jurassic Ammonites Beach'. However, when I saw this vert yesterday, I noticed that I can't figure out which formation it's from... looks like Kimmeridge Clay or Oxfordshire. Anyone can help me?

Also, I think my vert is like AB in the second pic, anyone know which part of the vert it belongs to?

Really thanks!  



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I think A.B. too as the little bumps of the side seem to match with yours. Though I have found ichthyosaur material before, I am not an expert so I could easily be wrong. As for formation? I unfortunately cannot help. Do you know what paper that diagram came from?


Kind Regards

Kohler Palaeontology

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