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Upper Ordovician Waynesville Formation Question


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I've been finding some decent quality gastropods near the Waynesville Formation where I believe to be within a section of 'butter shale'.  I'm having problems reading the attached to determine which section I am in. Within the attached, there is a column that has numerous fossils labeled, such as "Rafinesquina Cornflake Beds'. Are these the index fossils that may help me determine?  I can upload some pictures tomorrow if that may help. I searched the forums and found a similar question someone had and downloaded "SAMPLING THE LAYER CAKE" from which I'm certain will help with a base knowledge for this. If anyone here has any tips, publications, guidance, links, or other are so appreciated.


stratigraphic dist late ord butter shale.jpg

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Follow up for this in case anyone comes across this - I did learn how to read the maps correctly then everything clicked after reviewing the paper titled, "SAMPLING THE LAYER CAKE" edited by Richard Arnold Davis and Roger J. Cuffey. I highly recommend it.

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