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Help Identify tooth? Calvert County Maryland location.


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Picked this up out of the Chesapeake Bay today 9/9/24. Measures approx 2.5" long by approx. 1" wide at the widest. This is from an area where in the past I have found 3" and smaller megladon teeth, eardrum fossils, and hundreds of other fossilized teeth, etc. Thanks for any help in identifying. (Apologize for the last photo it was a little blurry).






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Reminds me of a whale tooth, although I know very little about cetacean teeth.

@Fin Lover@Shellseeker

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“The earth doesn't need new continents, but new men.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea



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I believe that it is whale..  Scaldicetus .sp. 


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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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