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Please help me figure out what this is. Has a bit of shine to one side


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13 hours ago, DPS Ammonite said:

Having hiked in the major canyon that feeds into Duarte, the San Gabriel River, I have never heard of or seen petrified wood. I don’t recall any sedimentary formations in the area that are likely to contain wood. Most of the rocks are igneous or metamorphic. 


See map: D is Duarte and SG is San Gabriel River.




Great info! I agree that this could be partly if not all metamorphosed...I havent given up hope that there is some remnant wood remains though or some other exotic piece of something thrown in with this piece. There is certainly some really fun mineralogy going on though...Particularly with seeing the one image with what looks to be a fairly large garnet?


I'm still perplexed with the irregular laminations/layerings...I guess they could be a piece of old layered sediments and the mineralogic alteration has caused the irregular banding. the cross section on the top seems to show elliptical sections thru them. This section also doesnt seem to jive with the majority of the rest of the specimens almost homogeneous rock matrix. 


I'm also not sure what also to make of the white spheres in the one image...is that an artifact of enlarging the photo??  If garnet shows up what other round minerals could show up in the metamorphic mineral facies?? 



Quite an interesting rock!! 

Regards, Chris 



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11 hours ago, Alison7 said:


Appreciate the additional photos! Caused even more questions in my brain! 


Regards, Chris 

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There's really no reason that it couldn't be metamorphosed wood. 

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