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Hi all.

I got this tooth with only Hell Creek information on the label.

I'll put some pictures of the tooth, what dinosaur do you think it is? Trex or another species?

IMG_20240906_113026.thumb.jpg.02c6ac5ec62327084d222992aa79df56.jpgIMG_20240906_113110.thumb.jpg.341fcc27457e6fc191d98abce3b05a09.jpgIMG_20240906_112940.thumb.jpg.60d50da6bdeff407931f42746140d2fd.jpgIMG_20240906_113006.thumb.jpg.119b67df789fa8ef9168bc8cbaf04f7f.jpgIMG_20240906_113052.thumb.jpg.1d94a19742dd6ab614bb374f393b33d9.jpgIMG_20240906_150455.thumb.jpg.9277ab84cbcd250328fd2d9fe6c9f513.jpg Thanks for your help.

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Hi, welcome to the fossil forum!


It could be, but one thing you need when identifying Rex teeth is the location where they were found. Specifically state and in many cases county. A label that just says "Hell Creek" isn't enough since many fossils from nearby Late Cretaceous strata are often mislabeled as Hell Creek

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As jikor said, without specific location, we cant get a positive ID.  


BUT, if we go off the assumption that formation is correct, then based on the profile of the tooth base I would call this a small rex tooth.

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I agree with hadrosauridae and jikohr.


It does not look like nano tooth, but best what can be said with confidence is tyrannosaurid indet.

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There's no such thing as too many teeth.

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Yes, I would say a small tyrannosaurid, likely Tyrannosaurus rex tooth.

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Thank you for all your information.

We would go towards Tyrannosaurus Rex but without being 100% sure.

And I reviewed with the previous owner and he does not have a specific location other than Cretaceous Hell's Creek unfortunately.

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Looks like everyone already got to this. I agree with everything already said.


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