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As it probably will become clear as it keep posting, aquatic reptiles are my favorite.

Here is Portunatasaurus krambergeri, an aquatic squamate from the Cenomanian-Turonian of Croatia.


In the original article that described it (Mekarski et al., 2019) it was presented as an early mosasauroid.

As a lot of things when it comes to aquatic squamate phylogeny and with mosasaurs in particular, it's hard to be sure as of yet.

What is clear is that it was a small predator that lived in the shallows of the warm Tethys sea.



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Wow!  Just wow!

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“The earth doesn't need new continents, but new men.”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea



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This is such an awesome rendering of Portunatasaurus krambergeri! Very colourful and dynamic! Love it! :wub:


You know what else might form an interesting subject? Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus! Another early member from the same overall geographical area. As it's supposed to be a freshwater-species too, I can totally imagine something mysterious and murky as Mark Witton's reconstruction of Leptocleidus superstes...!



'There's nothing like millions of years of really frustrating trial and error to give a species moral fibre and, in some cases, backbone' -- Terry Pratchett

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48 minutes ago, pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon said:

This is such an awesome rendering of Portunatasaurus krambergeri! Very colourful and dynamic! Love it! :wub:


You know what else might form an interesting subject? Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus! Another early member from the same overall geographical area. As it's supposed to be a freshwater-species too, I can totally imagine something mysterious and murky as Mark Witton's reconstruction of Leptocleidus superstes...!



Thank you! I did give a try at Pannoniasaurus in my early paleoart days but I've been meaning to give it a go again! Thanks for reminding me of it :)

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