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I’ve been spending some time going through the fossils I’ve been collecting at Whiskey Bridge near Bryan, Texas. This site represents the Stone City formation of the middle Eocene.

Although I struggled with identifying many of the fossils at first, purchasing a copy of Emerson’s Invertebrates of the Stone City Bluff has proved invaluable. I have a few initial IDs but I was wondering if anyone with experience could share if they think these are correct.


I believe this is Bolis enterogramma.



I identified these two as Polinices aratus based on the grooves on the callus.




I believe this one is Michela trabeatoides but the specimen is incomplete.


I think this is Ancilla staminea.


These were my favorite shells to find. Two of these were found relatively close in the matrix. I identified them as Conus sauridens but I don’t understand how to tell them apart from Conus granopsis.



These last three I’m unsure about but they look very similar to Distorsio septemdentata. I’m not sure if the third broken specimen is the same species as the other two.



I still have many more to identify but I plan be going back to the site this weekend. My main goal is to find any kind of vertebrate material, especially shark teeth. I have heard mention that there is a layer relatively richer in vertebrate material, but I am unsure if this is true. If anyone has any tips for shark teeth at the site, let me know! 


Edited by Dantheman135
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