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Eocene Ungulate Jaw Fragment

Othniel C. Marsh

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Shown below is an Eocene ungulate jaw fragment from Dordogne in France, sold as having belonged to Plagiolophus minor. However, it is my understanding that a number of other Plagiolophus species as well as Palaeotherium are also known from the area, and I am ignorant as to how to distinguish them on the basis of teeth alone, so I thought I'd verify the identification. It is my understanding that @Harry Pristis is particularly knowledgeable with regards to Eocene terrestrial mammals, so I'll take the liberty of "tagging you in".





Thanks in advance,

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What is the size of this thing?   Palaeotherium is a rather large animal.  I htink Plagiolophus is much smaller, but size would be a good place to start.  


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