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Planning A Huge Trip...


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I'm planning a trip of a lifetime to take my family on and want to hit from Montana to Chicago to Knoxville,over to Washington DC,south to Florida,down to the keys for some diving and liquid libations. Probably run I-75 (or the turnpike) North and start making my way west. I will probably go through Mississippi/Louisiana then Texas. I know for sure Carlsbad Caverns and then Grand canyon,Maybe Vegas then over to California and run the PCH north and hit the usual suspects. (Yosemite/Sequoia/Redwoods etc.)I will probably go as far north as Seattle or Oregon and then work my way across to Utah and then come home through SW Wyoming.

SOOOOOooo.....I want to hit as many sites as possible and I'm not really limited on time and I will (Finally) have some cash to not worry too much about the expenses. I'm not asking for people's honey holes but good solid sites as this will be the last trip I probably ever take like this. I will have a trailer(with a 4 wheeler) and RV. The only points that I KNOW I will hit will be Kemmerer in Wyoming and U-Dig in Utah. Everything else will be up for grabs. If you don't feel comfortable giving up your spots in general forums...PM me then.

BTW if you know of good local non fossil (I know imagine that) things/places that only a local who know, I'm game for that too. I want to create memories for my family.

Thanks in advance and thank you guys for fueling my fire to get out there and kick over rocks. I have learned alot from these forums.

Edited by Stonebreaker
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:D I' tell you but I would have to...Naw I believe in sharing the love. Check your e-mail. ;) Enjoy. :D Edited by bear-dog


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:) Check your e-mail .The spot is kid friendly.Search the gravel from the bridge and up-river.The problem is the kids I take there dont want to leave.The adults can also snorkle and scoop nthe gravel in the deeper areas as well

Happy Hunting

P.S.Keep the site between us. ;)



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Dallas/Ft.Worth for sure. I'm sure we will go to San Antonio. After that I'm not really sure. i know Carlsbad is SW of there...But a pretty open schedule is a good thing to go off the beaten path.

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Dallas/Ft.Worth for sure. I'm sure we will go to San Antonio. After that I'm not really sure. i know Carlsbad is SW of there...But a pretty open schedule is a good thing to go off the beaten path.

I may have an idea or two. I would also put on your must do list St Clair PA. Depending on when and where you go to in CA I can probably help you out there. I just did my once in a life time cross country fossil trip and my best advice is be flexible.

Have Fun,


If only my teeth are so prized a million years from now!

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Sounds like a perfect National Lampoons family vacation. Have fun and be safe. :D

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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There's this place at Addison and Clark in Chitown. Hope you can make it. If oyu make it to Boston... Fenway Park. But for fossils... I'll keep my WY sites for you on a smaller trip scale sometime in the future. Get a copy of Jasper Burns' book on the mid atlantic fossil sites. I've been to a few of his spots and the book is fun with great drawings. Others on this forum might have more info on the book, as to which sites are good and which are less so. Is your wife into this business at all? There's a place in Missouri I checked out a few years ago from "An Illustrated guide to Fossil Collectin" by Casanova and Ratkevich. This is a good book. Get a copy and study it with the map. It'll be like a bit of detective work... good fun. The Missouri place is ... and I quote, sorta... "Upper Ordovician Bryant Knob fm, Egdewood group,Outcrops west side state highway79, fouoyr miles south of Clarksville, Pike County". It has nice brachipods and some coral. I found one sweet nautiloid there. I recommend this book and have fun with it. You'll run into some dead ends, but you will also find some sites that might be fun and productive. Soundlike a fun trip... one of my dreams is to do such a trip someday.

Good luck.


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Yeah cant wait to get a chance to go hunt with you JP. I'm going to the bookstore to see what I can find tomorrow ,but I will probably have to search around on Amazon as there isn't alot of info on geology in general in store. About that other location..I have to take my girl to her first Cubs game of course. ;)

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