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Stratford Hall Fossil Hunting Excursion #3! And finds from a previous Aquia trip!


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I can’t stay away from these trips at the great Stratford Hall! Trip #3 was a solid success! Guided this time by the butterflies natural enemy, this very large wolf spider who greeted us at the visitors center. Same rules and boundaries apply, safety talk and we are off to the races on the beach! 

It was an excellent day weather and tide wise. My partner and I doing our best to keep pace with the paleo-guides while stopping at every few rock pile and gravel bar. The the usual suspects being found along the way.


That is until a familiar shape caught my eye, it was a meg! A hubbell meg in fact, an awesome find for my first non-pea sized meg! Unfortunately, this meg has only a shred of enamel left on the bottom corner of the blade, but I’ll take it!


Upon our turn back, I scoured the rock piles in the shallow surf, noticing a glimmer of pale grey-blue shining back up at me, it was this awesome 1.5 inch hastalis, another personal best for me. My finds are on the left, and my partners on the right.

Looks like there aren’t really anymore SH trips open to the public going around for the remainder of the year, so I guess I’ll be looking forward to next years trips, and will be on my own until then 🤷🏻‍♂️ I can deal with that! If there are any other clubs going however, please feel free to let me know! 

Also included in this report are a couple Otodus that I found during a trip when the river was still surging from previous storms. Not much was found during that trip, so enjoy the extra pics! One Otodus being heavily worn, and the other is an EXCELLENT little specimen that was among the last teeth I found that day.












Edited by Atoothsatooth42
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Great job! When I checked their calendar last week for the next hunt, I saw that yours was the last for the season. I've added it to my bucket list for early next year.

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