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Book Review


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I enjoy reading non-technical books about fossils and made a list of a few from the recommendations of other Forum members. I thought I would just start providing short book reviews in case anyone else might be interested in reading these books. I would also be interested in reviews of this and other books by other Forum members so that I might expand my knowledge and my library.

Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway: An Epoch Tale of a Scientist and an Artist on the Ultimate 5,000-Mile Paleo Road Trip by Kirk Johnson, illustrated by Ray Troll

If you are looking for a book which describes adventures collecting fossils then this is not the book for you. If you are looking for a lesson in western geography and a history of collecting fossils in the western US then this is the right book. This book is a fantastic journey by a museum paleontologist and an artist with an interest in paleontology through the most famous geological features in the west. Along the way they stop at many famous fossils sites (only collecting at a few), chat with many famous paleontologists both professional and amateur, and visit many western fossil museums. Kirk Johnson describes all of the geologic features along the way and gives a modern historical account of fossil collecting in the western US that correlates with his description of the geological history of each feature. Ray Troll was along for the ride but provides a whimsical artistic rendering of their journey through both realistic and fanciful depictions of their adventures.

I greatly enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it to anyone who may want to someday collect out west or who just has an interest in historical paleontology in the US. I recognized many of the features through my own travels out west as well as through accounts of collecting trips from fellow Fossil Forum members. This book made me want to get back out west as soon as possible!

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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I enjoy reading non-technical books about fossils and made a list of a few from the recommendations of other Forum members. I thought I would just start providing short book reviews in case anyone else might be interested in reading these books. I would also be interested in reviews of this and other books by other Forum members so that I might expand my knowledge and my library.

Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway: An Epoch Tale of a Scientist and an Artist on the Ultimate 5,000-Mile Paleo Road Trip by Kirk Johnson, illustrated by Ray Troll

If you are looking for a book which describes adventures collecting fossils then this is not the book for you. If you are looking for a lesson in western geography and a history of collecting fossils in the western US then this is the right book. This book is a fantastic journey by a museum paleontologist and an artist with an interest in paleontology through the most famous geological features in the west. Along the way they stop at many famous fossils sites (only collecting at a few), chat with many famous paleontologists both professional and amateur, and visit many western fossil museums. Kirk Johnson describes all of the geologic features along the way and gives a modern historical account of fossil collecting in the western US that correlates with his description of the geological history of each feature. Ray Troll was along for the ride but provides a whimsical artistic rendering of their journey through both realistic and fanciful depictions of their adventures.

I greatly enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it to anyone who may want to someday collect out west or who just has an interest in historical paleontology in the US. I recognized many of the features through my own travels out west as well as through accounts of collecting trips from fellow Fossil Forum members. This book made me want to get back out west as soon as possible!

My kind of book: love it!!!! Ray Troll Map is a masterpiece :D :D :D

Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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"Fossil Freeway" was a thoroughly entertaining read; a road-trip steeped in paleontological history. Just plain fun to read, and one that bears reading again :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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It is a great book. We talked about it in a thread last year in "Fossil Literature." I haven't gotten around to re-reading it yet but was just thinking about it last week.

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