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Scientists have finally seen the face of the world's largest bug

Sheena Goodyear, CBC Radio, October 11, 2024


Never-before-seen head of prehistoric, car-size 'millipede'

solves evolutionary mystery, Live Science, October 9, 2024


Pertinent open access papers:


M. Lhéritier, G. D. Edgecombe, R. Garwood, A. Buisson, A. Gerbe,

N. M. Koch, J. Vannier, G. Escarguel, J. Adrien, V. Fernandez, A.

Bergeret-Medina, V. Perrier, Head anatomy and phylogenomics

show the Carboniferous giant Arthropleura belonged to a

milliped-centipede group. 10, eadp6362 (2024).


J.C. Lamsdale, 2024., Bring me the head of Arthropleura.

Sceince Advances. 10.




Paul H.

Edited by Oxytropidoceras
added links to open access papers
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