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Florida Artifact Question For Local Members


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The way I interpeted the certified letter from the State Of Florida at the time the program was demolished was, I was not inteligent enough to pickup a point. This was reserved only for scholars, woohoo! I'm sure everyone who ever filed an IFP form recieved the same letter. I think I still have it somewhere I'll look if I find I'll figure out how to post it.

dumber then a box of rocks, Hoffy

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Sorry if you feel attacked. I offered information people didnt know about, you turned it down, Maybe it was off a little, maybe some details were left out... the fact is a Local Diver who was 70 years old was harrassed in a very unprofessional manner by The State of Florida Game and Fish Wouldnt you like to know about this before it happens to you? Hey some people didnt even know it was a LAW that you couldnt touch an artifact.

If you know, tell everyone. Im wondering why you wont tell. Its public record. Send us a link.

Wait till the game and fish drag you up from the bottom.... thats an attack. What Alabama did to Tebow thats an attack....

I turned down the information you offered because it was incorrect.

Did he break the law? Yes.

Was he given a ticket? Yes.

Were the objects in question found to be artifacts by one of the top authorities (Jim Dunbar) in Florida? Yes.

Was he treated in an unprofessional manner? Perhaps. However, following a complaint an internal review was conducted and it was found that the officers acted properly.

Was he strip searched? No.

Was he ever handcuffed? No.

Were the officers doing their job? Yes.

Was he only going to receive a warning until he was somewhat belligerent? Yes.

These are the facts. Is there anything else you need to know?

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There is a lot of hearsay and rumor being tossed around, not to mention unnecessary challenges and ad hominem attacks. We do not wish to harbor and spread rumors here (they can prove harmful to innocent people), and personal attacks are not allowed in any case.

The question asked was for an explanation of the Florida collecting laws, which can be illustrated with simple facts of public record; speculations beyond that belong off-board.

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Well I guess my input is too important right or wrong. Learn the laws yourself. Its apparent that no one wanted to know about the law.


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Well I guess my input is too important right or wrong. Learn the laws yourself. Its apparent that no one wanted to know about the law.


I think the law itself could have been explained pretty simply.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

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Since you offered,

These are the facts. Is there anything else you need to know?

Was he dragged by his kayak by FWC officers while flying a dive flag?

If so, why?

"There is no difference between Zen and Purgatory and Time Warner Cable, and they are trying to tach me this, but I am a dim impatient pupil."

----- xonenine

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I turned down the information you offered because it was incorrect.

Did he break the law? Yes.

Was he given a ticket? Yes.

Were the objects in question found to be artifacts by one of the top authorities (Jim Dunbar) in Florida? Yes.

Was he treated in an unprofessional manner? Perhaps. However, following a complaint an internal review was conducted and it was found that the officers acted properly.

Was he strip searched? No.

Was he ever handcuffed? No.

Were the officers doing their job? Yes.

Was he only going to receive a warning until he was somewhat belligerent? Yes.

These are the facts. Is there anything else you need to know?

These are the facts because you said so?

Can you quote a source? I'm interested in knowing the facts on this and how this gentleman broke the law.

Dave Bowen

Collin County, Texas.

Paleontology: The next best thing to time travel.

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Whoa! Well, Bense has got to GO.


All your fossils are belong to us

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just wanted to say a few things here. i posted this topic for information and discussion. it seems to have gone off a a different tangent than i had wanted. as auspex has said my questions on the florida law was really my main curiosity and could be answered without anyone attacking each other here. i don't want to feel like i stirred up a huge problem. i want people to have the opinions and even though we are off topic i'd like all the facts myself on the discussion of a diver possibly have been dragged. a good argument is good once in a while when it is really debate but i just don't want it going too far. i don't think any slinging needs to involved right. in my opinion the only person who deserves that here, is the person in charge of making the silly ban on collecting to begin with after having allowed it for how ever many years they allowed it. anyone agree? i think the woman is wrong also. as far as fellow members attacking each other on the post i definitely don't want to feel i'm behind it by posting the topic to begin with. from what i've seen there are advanced members on this forum that are very avid divers. if i'm correct worthy and sundancer just to name a few.i'm sure they are very concerned with the possibility of not being treated fairly if they were diving yet they have opinions on the thread and they have stated their opinions without slinging mud, right. that's all i'm asking for me to feel right about the original post. i would love to hear everyones thoughts and opinions and for the thread to continue because it really is a good thread if you take the few remarks here and there out of it. and bohunter, you are as entitled to your opinion as everyone else.lets just tread a little lighter that's all. please continue posting. worthy and sundancer, i really hope we can meet up as a planned possibility within the next few week when i come down. and oh, i'll throw the artifacts back if i'm even lucky enough to see them in my screen.hope no one swoops down on me while its in my hand tossing it back in saying i illegally collected it.that could probably be a tricky subject in itself. B)

Today's the day!

Mel Fisher

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Fossils are great

Laws are posted

Contact the Department of Vertebrate Paloentology and send them 5 bucks for a permit

Have a great time

Beware of those 2 officers

Make sure a Diver Down flag is at its highest point.

Watch out for entanglements

Be aware of large gators or the sign of a large one

Pay attention underwater

Pay attention when you are surfacing for floating things like gators

and lastly.......

If you are issued a citation for unlawful collection of artifacts as written in FS 267 dont expect any concern from ****!


Edited by BOHUNTER
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Whether we agree with the laws enacted, or not,, we , as resposible parties, are to abide by them.

That being said,, the questions asked by the original poster of this thread have been answered.

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"Whether we agree with the laws enacted, or not,, we , as resposible parties, are to abide by them."

If we, as responsible parties, don't agree with a law the only other legal option is to gather enough support to have the law changed. It is extremely difficult to do but occasionally responsible parties can make changes.

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LOL Steve.. Tebow?? That was not an attack, that was IED..

All your fossils are belong to us

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I turned down the information you offered because it was incorrect.

Did he break the law? Yes.

Was he given a ticket? Yes.

Were the objects in question found to be artifacts by one of the top authorities (Jim Dunbar) in Florida? Yes.

Was he treated in an unprofessional manner? Perhaps. However, following a complaint an internal review was conducted and it was found that the officers acted properly.

Was he strip searched? No.

Was he ever handcuffed? No.

Were the officers doing their job? Yes.

Was he only going to receive a warning until he was somewhat belligerent? Yes.

These are the facts. Is there anything else you need to know?

Is the law Bull? YES

All your fossils are belong to us

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In any case Fossiljunkie, when you come screen creek gravel here in G'ville you can keep any points you find. We will NOT be on anything but private property. The creeks are NOT navigable waterways and the STATE does not control them.


All your fossils are belong to us

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