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Peace river


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Hello group, I am moving to sunny southwest Florida. I would like to visit the peace river. I have done some mild reading about it. The most important things I would like to know about is where to put your kayaks in, it appears at most public boat launches is where to go. Is this correct? I am not familiar with arcadia, zofolo springs etc. The water levels are certainly high right now so I have some time to gather some supplies for my hunt. Lots of people are wearing wet suits, I am from the north country. Is the water actually this cold during the best hunting season? Are full size shovels permitted? any other tips or helpful hints are appreciated. If someone has the time and wants to go to show me the ins-and outs of the peace river, I would be glad to buy lunch and hunt. Thanks for reading!

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Welcome to TFF.. a great place for fossil hobby enthusiasts. To answer your question, you search for Peace River Kayaking and you find the following.


This provides a map of every public access point to 50 miles as the crow flies of the Peace River watershed (Arcadia to Bartow)...

The water is not cold, the Air temps are... I actually wear a 3mm Shorty (cut off above the knee) my legs are warm because of blood flow from my core. What is cold at 70 degrees and a light breeze is my head , my hands, and my chest.. anything exposed to the air. I move up to 5 mm for ONLY January. 


Yes on Full sized shovels, The Peace River is (I think) the only river in Florida where Fish and Wildlife DO NOT ENFORCE the no full sized shovel State Regulation. Would be glad to have other Florida fossil hunters add details. 

I have a friend from Minnesota ( @minnbuckeye) who goes in with swim trunks and a pullover shirt, but he is crazy..or hot_blooded.

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Hey Mr. shell seeker Thanks for the info and response. Glad to be part of the group. The peace river looks like an amazing spot to hunt. I am excited to find some different fossils than I have in the past. I usually have had the opportunity to hunt beaches. Hunting in the river seems to be completely different, also exciting to have new hunting grounds.

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2 hours ago, Shellseeker said:

but he is crazy..or hot_blooded.


@Shellseeker pegged me correctly on two of my many personas!

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