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Shark vs. bony fish vertebrae


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Hello dear fellow forum members.

I found a lot of mineralized fish vertebrae, they are mostly jet black, sound like ceramic and are denser then recent fish bones.

Similar examples in a local museum where labeled as miocene, while more porous tilly bones from the same spot seem to be from the eem interglacial (120.000 years).


While most vertebrae I found where about as long as they where high and typical bony fish vertebrae, there where some more flattened that made me wonder if they where shark.

RIght in the pic is one of the typical ones, the others are my tentative sharks.

What do you think?






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Thomas Henry Huxley

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Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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The three of these look like bony fish vertebrae. 

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I agree with Al Dente, bony fish verts.  For reference:



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― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea



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quaternary ( probably Eemian), possibly reworked, possibly hyperostotic( teratological/ pathological).

........ maybe even subrecent 

effluent dumping might cause discoloration, possibly even porosity change ??

Nice finds,BTW


If teleost: Tinca, Esox, Sander, Perca, Argyrosomus, Acipenser, Anguilla, Salmo, Silurus, Plectognathus, Melanogrammus are among the possibilities

Edited by doushantuo
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I agree. I wonder if the different ones are Cervical or neck verts. Fish have different shaped verts along the vertebral column which can vary a lot especially in large fish. 

Edited by Doctor Mud
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2 hours ago, doushantuo said:

........ maybe even subrecent

Nice finds,BTW

Thanks for not hurting my feelings... ;)

At least they don´t smell anymore.

Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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