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Markus M

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Hello everybody!

Okay so recently I was on YouTube watching things and came across someone finding fossils.. it was like opening a door to a lost childhood dream.. 

I had forgotten just how much I dreamed of finding my own fossils.

And now I found my way here, to ask you all for a helping hand.


How does one start? 

Where do I go? 

How do I know a rock contains a fossil to begin with? I tried to watch some things on YouTube but felt like it went right over my head.


I live around the middle of Sweden. Not sure there is any places to start with there. 

I'm sorry for bothering you all with such newbie questions, but I'd appreciate any help you can offer.

I want to fulfill my lost childhood dream.. of at least finding one fossil.

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Hello Markus and welcome to the forum! :)


Where to start...hmmm....:zzzzscratchchin:


I think there is only one place to start. Research.


Research your area and see if fossils can be found there. Is it legal to collect them? Does your location have the right rock (sedimentary) for fossils? Are fossils known from a certain area? What formations are they found in? Are there any areas that you can access to legally hunt them? And so on and so on.


Once you know where the fossils are, that you can legally hunt them, and that you have access to the location, you are almost ready to go. I say almost, because you might also need to gather necessary equipment before going afield. So again you will be off to research. Are the fossils normally weathered out of the rock and easily picked up? If so you might just need a container to carry them in. Are they hidden inside slabs of rock? Then you might need a hammer and chisel (and other tools!). 


Once you have researched until you can't research anymore, then it's time to try your luck. I say luck, because you might not find anything the first few times you go out. Don't be discouraged! The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry after all! Go back and look for another spot that the research you did points you to. Eventually you will find what you are looking for. :) 


As for where and how to research...


Here on TFF is a great place to start! The search function is your friend! Try searching for terms that relate to your area. Also hang around here with us. Become and active member. Browse the many sub forums. Ask the "newbie" questions. We all had to start somewhere. Most of us understand that and are willing to help if we can.


I don't know how it is in Sweden, but here in The States there are local and national organizations that study and report on the rock of the area. Geological Surveys are what we call them. They often have publicly accessible information that is very helpful. Maps, papers, studies, etc.


This sounds like too generic of an answer, but the internet and search engines are very helpful as well. Same advice as using the Forum search. Start with generic things like "Fossils in Sweden"  or "Geology of Sweden".


One more word of advice would be to look for and join a local fossil/rock club. There may be one in your area. Joining a club will put you in contact with like minded individuals that can help jump start your fossil collecting adventure. They will have done the research already and are likely willing to share. Clubs almost always go on field trips as well and meet for hunts. Sharing knowledge and finds alike. 

Edited by FossilNerd

The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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