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Yooperlite confirmation


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Hello all!


    I had the opportunity during conference to walk the southern shoreline of Lake Ontario this month looking for the "yooperlite" I took a regular flashlight at night, then lit up the rocks with a UV light and "boom", found what i thought was yooperlites- the yellow-orange glow, some more "blue". My understanding is that the true yooperlite is composed of sodalite and are at least a billion years old. Therefore they should not contain fossils. However, i have a hard time explaining the images i saw in the rocks under UV. Thus maybe these "fossils" are real but fluoresce due to a different mineral? and are not yooperlites? they do look like the grey rounded river rock i expected and some did fluoresce. In real life the color is orange to whitish-these are a little washed out. Help appreciated! Most of the imprints are 5-10mm in size. Bone

yooperlite stone.JPG

yooperlite lit.JPG

yooperlite image 4.JPG

yooperlite image.JPG

yooperlite image 3.JPG

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Not yooperlites, but appear to fluoresce due to the shells embedded in your stones.


Yooperlites are fluorescent sodalites found on the shores of the Great Lakes and are especially popular in the Upper Peninsula.

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