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Are These Actual Fossils?


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Hello everyone, As I mentioned in my Welcome post, my sister and I have an ebay consignment shop. We got these 3 items in that the owner said were fossils that he got while dredging sand off the Georgia Coast and the foo the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. I am hoping ya'll can confirm or deny that these are actual fossils and if so, exactly what type of fossils. 2 of them look like clams or some type of shells. The other one just looks like a neat looking rock to me :wacko: I will appreciate any and all info. This is the first time we have ever gotten anything like this in for a consignment. I tried to attach 2 pictures of each. Hope I did it correctly. Thanks again!







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Well you posted correctly, looks like you have that figured out but your photo's are a bit on the small side, its hard to see much detail and with fossils detail is a must for correct identification.

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Yes, they are fossils. Not much on shell ID's but the last pic looks like a mammoth tooth and I like that color. B)B)B):D


It's my bone!!!

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So all 3 are actual true fossils? I guess the Mammoth tooth should be sold seperate from the Shell fossils? Thank you all again for looking at them and helping me out. Is it okay to put a thank you and a link to this site in my auction page?

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I'm not very familiar with the shell type of fossils, but I would guess they are fairly common. I would think it would be tough to find someone willing to pay anything for them. The mammoth tooth, on the other hand should get some bids. I might be wrong on the shells though. Hopefully someone on here can give you a better idea on wether or not they have any value.

For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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Thanks! I'll hold off listing the shells until someone lets me know if they think they will sell. Am I allowed to post my auction here to ask ya'll to look at it and see if I need to add anything to it, or is that considered advertising and against the rules?

Again, I really appreciate the help.

So, do you guys look for fossils only in certain places, or are they found just about anywhere? I would have never, in my wildest imagination, thought that was a mammoth tooth. After the guy left, my sister and I just giggled and thought, "That guy wants us to sell a rock and claim it's a fossil. and start it off at $10" Wow! Learn something new everyday, and we'll probably never look at rocks the same way again!

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Hi Again! I have another question. Is Mammoth Tooth Ivory? I listed the mammoth tooth and Ebay pulled the auction. This is the email that they sent me. Thanks again for the help!

Dear 3emarketeers,

You recently listed the following auction-style listing:


The auction-style listing was removed because it violated the eBay Animals, Plants, and Wildlife policy. We notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has been canceled.

Sales of live animals, plants, and wildlife products are heavily regulated and, in some cases, may be prohibited or harmful to the Community. For these reasons, listings for these items are severely restricted on eBay.

Sellers are generally permitted to sell products made from or containing ivory on eBay.com. However, the seller:

- Must legally possess and be legally permitted to sell the item,

- Must be a registered member of the U.S. site,

- May only offer the item for sale to buyers in the U.S., and

- May only offer domestic shipping from a location within the U.S.

Due to the endangered or protected status of many species from which ivory is harvested around the world, the sale of ivory products is highly regulated by a complex set of regulations, treaties and laws. As such, sellers should consult the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and their state wildlife regulatory agency prior to listing any ivory item on eBay.

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Hi Again! I have another question. Is Mammoth Tooth Ivory? I listed the mammoth tooth and Ebay pulled the auction. This is the email that they sent me. Thanks again for the help!

Dear 3emarketeers,

You recently listed the following auction-style listing:


The auction-style listing was removed because it violated the eBay Animals, Plants, and Wildlife policy. We notified members who placed bids on the item that the listing has been canceled.

Sales of live animals, plants, and wildlife products are heavily regulated and, in some cases, may be prohibited or harmful to the Community. For these reasons, listings for these items are severely restricted on eBay.

Sellers are generally permitted to sell products made from or containing ivory on eBay.com. However, the seller:

- Must legally possess and be legally permitted to sell the item,

- Must be a registered member of the U.S. site,

- May only offer the item for sale to buyers in the U.S., and

- May only offer domestic shipping from a location within the U.S.

Due to the endangered or protected status of many species from which ivory is harvested around the world, the sale of ivory products is highly regulated by a complex set of regulations, treaties and laws. As such, sellers should consult the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and their state wildlife regulatory agency prior to listing any ivory item on eBay.

Note the part in bold. Am I wrong in thinking that the Mammoth is generally thought of as extinct? o_0 Or have I just missed that pen at the zoo?

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Yes you can post ebay auctions here, as for ebay pulling your auction that was just stupid, its a fossil not anything from an endangered species. Mammoths are extinct have been for thousands of years you may have left out that it was a fossil in your auction and thats why ebay pulled it.

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Yes you can post ebay auctions here, as for ebay pulling your auction that was just stupid, its a fossil not anything from an endangered species. Mammoths are extinct have been for thousands of years you may have left out that it was a fossil in your auction and thats why ebay pulled it.
Maybe the ebay officials didn't know the difference between extinct and endangered. xD Then again, with all the ridiculous laws there are, there very well MIGHT be a law or two regulating the sale of ivory-quality mammoth fossils. Who knows?

Seriously, who knows? Anyone heard of such a thing? I'd be interested to see one if there is. Crazy laws interest me. :)

Did you know that in my state of Tennessee, it's illegal to shoot a whale from a moving car? :D

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LOL, I guess if you saw a Whale why driving in TN you'd have to be smoking some really good stuff :P

Anyhow, I just got off the phone with an Ebay rep and after putting me on hold for over 20 minutes to research it and ask her supervisor, they concluded that Mammoth Tooth is Ivory and I can only ship to the United States. So I asked her "So are you saying I can list this as 1 1/2 pounds of Ivory?" Then I was put on hold for another 10 minutes (LOL) and they just decided that Fossils can only be shipped within United States :wacko: Anyhow, I'll reslist it again! Thanks again for all your help!

Oh and by the way Shuko, In Georgia It is illegal to carry and ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sunday or keep a Donkey in your Bathtub. :)

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hahhahahahahah its not ivory! and it should be able to be sent anywhere! list it as "Fossil mammoth tooth" stupid stupid ebay! :P

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Guest solius symbiosus

I have some ivory that fell off a Mammoth tusk that we recovered years ago. I've often wondered about the legality of getting rid of it.

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