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Quarry In Chico Tx, Near Bridgeport


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I don't know about that particular quarry but I have found some nice Pleistocene stuff in other gravel pits in that general vicinity. If the quarry is active, ask them if you can look in the afterburden pile at the sorter and at the old overburden piles if they have any. A lot of material comes through the sorter in pretty good condition. Of course you'll want to walk the pits if they'll let you...though you may be limited to the areas where the draglines aren't currently operating.

Good luck!


Illigitimati non carborundum

Fruitbat's PDF Library

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There is a Martin Marietta quarry in Chico.

Anybody ever been there? Is it worth going?


No need to travel that far!!!! You'd be surprised what might be in your own neighborhood. For example - creeks often have excellent exposures that are relatively non-collected. Also as you drive back and forth to work, look around you might be surprised at what you might observe. For example, one day at lunch I was just driving back (the long way) to my office and as I went south on Rufe Snow Dr in NRH and crossed Bursey Road I noticed a hill in a 30 acre field off to my left. I turned around and turned on Bursey and stopped at the top of the crest and got out. To my great surprise it was an excellent outcrop of Goodland formation. Now granted most of the items are steinkerns but I have found Plesioturrilites, a spiral ammonite, one nautiloid (Cymatoceras hilli), several oysters, Engoneceras sp ammonite, clams, gastropods, and two shark teeth (one found by Adam Armstrong) and a large Pycnodont tooth. Not only does the hill exposure lend itself to easy collecting (it is basically clay with fractured limestone - no pounding necessary) but the 30 acre field (where exposed) has great stuff. There it is - a great site amidst a residential and strip commercial area. . . I have collected there several times, during lunch and after work and there is still al lot to collect.

It would be a great place to take the kids as there are plenty and I mean plenty of oyster shells plus other stuff that they could find. Plus you're in easy range of fast food restaurants if you so desire!!!

Just a thought


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Sounds more like Grayson fm to me based on fauna and location. The Goodland is exposed in western Fort Worth. In general the formations in the DFW area get younger as you head east.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Sounds more like Grayson fm to me based on fauna and location. The Goodland is exposed in western Fort Worth. In general the formations in the DFW area get younger as you head east.


it was late at nite and I just sat down. . . you're right - its Grayson. . . I caught myself again today giving a response and had to replace Goodland for grayson. . . . must have it on my mind. . . . <grin>


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