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Question About Collecting At The Following Locations


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I was wondering if anyone knew if you are allowed to collect at Purisima Formation near Capitola/Santa Cruz, Pleasanton/Sunol, and Bean Creek/Scott's Valley sand dollar locality. I'm heading up to San Fran in a few weeks and since the trip to these places isn't far, I thought I would stop by. But I also dont wanna waste time by traveling to these places and finding out I cant collect. These location are in california and here is a link to the post where I found these location.


It doesn't sound like a permit is required at these places but like I said I want to make sure. Thanks to anyone that helps.

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Can you share the answer with we who don't know?

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“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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Oh of course sorry bought that. Yes, you are allowed to go collect there without a permit but no digging into the cliff side at the Capitola/Purisima site.

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