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Dino Bone Value


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Hay guys i just bought this dino bone and i was wondering if i got a good deal and what i could sell it for (market price).

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post-2572-010235800 1281369454_thumb.jpg

And if any one is intrested in buying it pm me and well talk.


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Is there anyone out there? I know this is a dumb question, but i could use a reply.

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Is it lapidary-grade (agatized)?

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here's the deal. information is missing, such as how you know it's dino bone and where it's from, and whether it's agatized. there are two kinds of valuable dinosaur bones. those that are more or less complete and recognizable, so that someone would want them for a display piece; and those that can be cut up and polished and made into pretty jewelry cabochons, etc. google "gembone" to get that concept. the photos you have would need to be close up and well-lighted, and perhaps even the bone wetted in order to see whether it might be "lapidary quality", but it doesn't appear so from the pictures. and it doesn't appear to be a particularly recognizable bone. so if you can establish that it's in fact dino bone, then somebody might give you something for it just to say they have a piece of dino bone. otherwise, all that's left, is that it's from extinct megafauna. i have purchased one piece of such bone, and quite frankly, the only reason i bought it was because i could tell the guy needed some money. the price would be whatever the buyer and seller could agree on, because there's no established market price for such transactions.

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Hi Frozen,

Do you have any additional information on the bone? If it is just a random bone chunk, it will have very little value to most collectors.

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The bottum has been cut and polished. It is a dark grayish coloer and has clear crystals in it.

Here are a few pics.

post-2572-015463800 1281745427_thumb.jpgpost-2572-008992500 1281745455_thumb.jpg

Also the guy i bought it from was origenaly going to slab it out (cut up) and sell it that way, but he said it was too much work for him. even though it looks like its going to crumble at the slightest touch. It is completly solid.


Edited by frozen_turkey
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ok, from the new photos, i'll agree that it's dino bone but feel that it is not lapidary quality. i would not have slabbed it either.

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ok, from the new photos, i'll agree that it's dino bone but feel that it is not lapidary quality. i would not have slabbed it either.

Was it worth the 25 bucks i paid for it?

Edited by frozen_turkey
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:) If you are happy with it,yes. As far as the value goes it's all about the info.I very rarely buy fossils,don't even include them as my collection they are placed in a seperate place,but without the info.no matter how impressive it is it's just a rock. B) Edited by bear-dog


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:) If you are happy with it,yes. As far as the value goes it's all about the info.I very rarely buy fossils,don't even include them as my collection they are placed in a seperate place,but without the info.no matter how impressive it is it's just a rock. B)

I bearly buy fossils to, because every thing is usualy over priced. But there are no dino bone in iowa and i always wanted on but could never find a good cunk under 100 bucks. So i was pretty pumped about it. And i think it was the best purchest that i made this year :) .

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