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Peace River Fossil Hunting...


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just a quick question for all you peace river fossilers...are there fossils to be found along the whole length of the river, or is there only certain areas that one can find them in? also, does anyone snorkel for fossils there?

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Hi lordpiney, the area between Arcadia and Zolfo Spring is the best. There are a lot of good gravel spots in the river, the ones near the boat ramps ((Wachula, Zolfo, Gardener, Arcadia, Bowling Green, Brownville) are well picked up, but still have a lot of treasures, believe me. The river change very fast after big hurricane and big tropical storms. Every season new stuff come out from the banks!!!

If you can canoing the river, I am sure you will find your own gravel hot spot... It is just matter of time, lucky and gators :P :P

P.S. People told me about good spots north of this area, but I never checked :(

Yes, snorkeling the river with the right conditions could pay ;)

Edited by Fossili Veraci

Erosion... will be my epitaph!




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thank you for the info, and the pic! i am going to go maybe next monday or tues. now all i need to do is figure out where to put in at. :P

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The river is a bit high currently but it's been so insanely hot lately that might not be a bad thing.

I've tried snorkeling there but the visibility is often low so you likely would have better luck digging underwater gravel.

If you have your own canoe you can also venture further north, like bowling green from Payne creek.

There are gravel beds accessible at today's water depth.

Good luck!

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Ditto, Ditto, Ditto to FVs statements..

Find some gravel ... There will be shark teeth and fossils , just a matter of size...

The nice lady's name is Nancy... She has been fossiling the Peace around Wauchula for decades and is a local treasure. I too was worried about gators and lost most of my nervousness as I noted Nancy snorkeling face down (naturally) for hours and finding good stuff..

If you see her, engage her in conversation, she has had an interesting life.

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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It may just be the wrong day. The river is rising fast and the gin is getting low... I do not like the angle of this uptick, and it is currently raining heavily here.

Do not know if you are out today, but Arcadia bridges are my spot for high water conditions.

post-2220-068438300 1282569634_thumb.jpg

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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