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What's Happening Here...

Mr. Edonihce

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scale in avatar is millimeters


Come visit Sandi, the 'Fossil Journey Cruiser'


WIPS (the Western Interior Paleontological Society - http://www.westernpaleo.org)


"Being genetically cursed with an almost inhuman sense of curiosity and wonder, I'm hard-wired to investigate even the most unlikely, uninteresting (to others anyway) and irrelevant details; often asking hypothetical questions from many angles in an attempt to understand something more thoroughly."

-- Mr. Edonihce

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Just a new member (by invitation of another NJ member) with some ID questions.

The need for fundamental info like size, and for sharp photos from multiple angles, has been expressed.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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ok....when the first one was repeated, i started to wonder....but i guess it's just a bunch of things they want ID for and are starting out the only way they know how.....more power to em. :)

it's just that i have seen things that look somewhat like that string of messages pop up on other forums in the past from someone that was just messing with us.....wasn't jumping to that conclusion, but just wanted another opinion...or more info like you provided.




scale in avatar is millimeters


Come visit Sandi, the 'Fossil Journey Cruiser'


WIPS (the Western Interior Paleontological Society - http://www.westernpaleo.org)


"Being genetically cursed with an almost inhuman sense of curiosity and wonder, I'm hard-wired to investigate even the most unlikely, uninteresting (to others anyway) and irrelevant details; often asking hypothetical questions from many angles in an attempt to understand something more thoroughly."

-- Mr. Edonihce

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It's real easy to post blurry pictures if you never look at them enlarged. I know I have downloaded shots from the camera, imported them into iPhoto (thumbnail image) and not noticed how bad they were until I enlarged them on the screen. Those were even shots taken with a macro. You can certainly take a blurry photo just as well with macro or not. Hopefully this new member will figure the camera out and we can see some of these specimens for real.

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