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Death Of Another Nj Site

Darwin Ahoy

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It's not clear to me in the article; is there a chance that they will preserve "the wall"?

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sad to see. the combination of the almighty dollar, development, and so called progress. :(

Today's the day!

Mel Fisher

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Someone posted on this topic a while back along with the online petition to sign. I sign it and asked people on the forum to sign as well, I am sadden that they were only able to get 2000 names. To be honest, they cant even sell the homes that we already have in NJ let alone new ones. The home values have gone down in the last year by 10 to 20 percent alone. Remember people this isn't just a problem in NJ, it is happening all over. We are losing our nature history to developers all over, and in the name of so called progress.

BTW, the homes that they are talking about in the article are being build for people working in New York but want to live in NJ, or at least that is what the builders are banking on.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

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This was the best preservation site that i know in the north east. I as hoping this wouldnt happen but it still did.

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I had seen this and signed the petition last year.:(

Sorry to see that it went the way of the animals who left the tracks!:angry:

Perhaps they will be able to at least save the wall.:unsure:


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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

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:( Sorry to hear about that.It's happening everywhere now.Had a land site in Sarasota to find nice meg teeth.Someone came in and built a sub division there.Now my favorite dive sites were taken by the Suwanee R iver Water Management District.

All you can do is petetions and e- mails but it usually falls on deaf ears. :notfair:


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