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Etiquette Question(S)


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Is it okay to bring a dog fossil hunting? A well behaved, on leash, not allowed to poo in public as I'm not picking up poo and carrying it around. Come one. Teach the dog to do that at a certain time, and that time is NOT in public. It's not hard, I've been doing it since I was 8. No barking, no pulling-jumping on people is a bit of a challenge to stop, she's a Border Collie and therefore exuberant.

I've been to a public fossil park and a dog was brought-off leash. Running everywhere-in a creek. Owners yelling "no" (only it sounded more like "look how cute he is") and his name constantly. Knocking people over. Though it did learn to avoid my youngest daughter and I. Who have no problem reprimanding an off leash dog attempting to jump on us, run past us in a creek, etc.(of course, they also weren't keeping up with their 2 1/2 year old.)

I will not allow this from my dog. In time when she's more reliably knowledgeable of what's expected from her, maybe off leash-but still no bolting around.

On private land, I know-just ask the owner. For a large group excursion-no. (though, a friend is pretty sure that daughter has taught Tater-the dog-to actually find fossils. we're going to test it this weekend).

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other people's dogs have been a major source of disruption in my life, for my entire life. from being bit in the face by one and in the leg by another one as a child, to walking past parked vehicles where a dog lunges up from the seat and tries to get you and in the process scares a few years off your life, to dogs that stick their noses in your crotch if you're anywhere near them or pee on your leg, to the incessant barking all night when you've just come home from sitting with someone at the hospital, etc. etc.

within the past year or so, several people's dogs have bugged the snarge out of me while i was trying to fossil hunt. if nothing else, they are a distraction, and may also be stepping on and breaking fossils you're trying to photograph in situ when they're not trying to jump up on you with muddy paws.

but then, you have qualified your question by asking is it ok if the dog is on leash, doesn't poop, and doesn't bark. my response to that would be "depends". have you asked everyone who will be going hunting if they are allergic to dogs and/or afraid of dogs? what does the dog do when someone walks near you? do they have to pay attention to the dog instead of just talking to you without distraction, if that's what they wish to do? some people are quite afraid of dogs and derive small comfort from the fact that they are on a leash, since a leash can be dropped easily.

generally speaking, i have found that people expect others to feel about their dog(s) as they do, and resent when that isn't the case. That is unreasonable, and puts the people who don't like dogs in the position of either putting up with what they don't like, or being the "bad guy" and having to hear the dog lovers around them act like they have an obligation to appreciate the rudeness.

i would not bring any pets or guests to any group outing with others without their permission and assurance that the pets or guests were welcome.

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other people's dogs have been a major source of disruption in my life, for my entire life. from being bit in the face by one and in the leg by another one as a child, to walking past parked vehicles where a dog lunges up from the seat and tries to get you and in the process scares a few years off your life, to dogs that stick their noses in your crotch if you're anywhere near them or pee on your leg, to the incessant barking all night when you've just come home from sitting with someone at the hospital, etc. etc.

within the past year or so, several people's dogs have bugged the snarge out of me while i was trying to fossil hunt. if nothing else, they are a distraction, and may also be stepping on and breaking fossils you're trying to photograph in situ when they're not trying to jump up on you with muddy paws.

but then, you have qualified your question by asking is it ok if the dog is on leash, doesn't poop, and doesn't bark. my response to that would be "depends". have you asked everyone who will be going hunting if they are allergic to dogs and/or afraid of dogs? what does the dog do when someone walks near you? do they have to pay attention to the dog instead of just talking to you without distraction, if that's what they wish to do? some people are quite afraid of dogs and derive small comfort from the fact that they are on a leash, since a leash can be dropped easily.

generally speaking, i have found that people expect others to feel about their dog(s) as they do, and resent when that isn't the case. That is unreasonable, and puts the people who don't like dogs in the position of either putting up with what they don't like, or being the "bad guy" and having to hear the dog lovers around them act like they have an obligation to appreciate the rudeness.

i would not bring any pets or guests to any group outing with others without their permission and assurance that the pets or guests were welcome.

I'm not taking MY dog on a 'club' outing. I'm just always perplexed at the people who take their dog in public, and have it behave poorly, and then get insulted when people complain.

I ran into the woman this morning, and she was asked to not bring the dog back. And since the club meetings are in an outdoor bar, and a friend and I bring our dogs to it. I'm not in her 'club'. Friend and I meet there every Sat just to meet and go walking.

I do take her when just my kids and I are going and I don't expect lots of people wherever I'm going to.

I just wondered at the expectation that it was OKAY to do-it's hard to explain I guess. :blush:

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I'm a dog owner and mine goes with me when im alone. I dont hunt around people MOST of the time. Not to mentions shes a sweet but kinda dumb dog and would be more apt to wander up to a rattlesnake and wanna play,rather then run away. So when I'm looking at/for her I'm not looking on the ground.Some people think of their pet as a child....I tend to. So they can be of the opinion that if you take your child hunting ,why not their pet? Ever been around a kid that the parents think their kid is cute acting like an animal but the rest of the group gets driven nuts?Again I'm in Montana..I could walk days without seeing another person. My dog doesnt poop in the house but when shes outside its open game. I think expecting a dog to know the proper place to poop is a little over the top. Club outing would be strictly off limits...people have allergies to animals and they shouldnt have their day ruined because of me and my animal. Maybe mention it at a meeting? Use the allergies as a excuse? *shugs* No one gets their feelings hurt then.

Edited by Stonebreaker
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