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Shark Teeth


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is there any place in ontario preferably close to toronto that you can find shark teeth i dont know i doubt there is but just hoping and what kind of sharks teeth can be found there

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Your only chance is around Lake Huron. Placoderms found what (to me) looks like a Cladodus at Hungry Hollow, and there "may" be something around Sarnia in Mississipian age rock. Any fish material is rare at HH, and I have never heard for certain that shark teeth are there. I've also never heard of anything from Sarnia, or even where an exposure is to collect, just that the age is correct to possibly find shark material. Most of Ontario is too old for shark. To paraphrase a comment Crinus made in an older post, the best place in Ontario to find shark teeth - my basement

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Your only chance is around Lake Huron. Placoderms found what (to me) looks like a Cladodus at Hungry Hollow, and there "may" be something around Sarnia in Mississipian age rock. Any fish material is rare at HH, and I have never heard for certain that shark teeth are there. I've also never heard of anything from Sarnia, or even where an exposure is to collect, just that the age is correct to possibly find shark material. Most of Ontario is too old for shark. To paraphrase a comment Crinus made in an older post, the best place in Ontario to find shark teeth - my basement

thanks i will keep an eye out when i go to hh in 13 days

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