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My Cpods Smell So Bad


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Hay guys i got like 300 streight cepheopods from a creek debuque county that i collected and they smell like roting hay in a barn (realy wet roting hay). And it smells so bad it is smeeling up my prep room.

So is there some magical sollution to this smelly problem?


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Try cleaning one with a 10% bleach-in-water solution and a soft scrub brush; rinse and air-dry. If this does the job without damaging the fossil, clean the rest likewise.

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Try it out on your worst single and evaluate results.--Tom

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I think i know why they smell bad. When i washed them i didnt let them dry propperly, and a few on the bottum never dried out. So im assuming that the water has some how gone bad.

Here is the pic of them. and before they dried out i put another layer on top.

post-2572-003849100 1283610050_thumb.jpg

That was a dumb mistake.


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Rewash with one of the above suggestions and let them dry in the sun a couple of days to dry thoroughly. Flip them over a few of times. That should take care of it.

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