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Two From Texas


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Hi all, I made a trip up to Lake Texoma today and found these two. The echinoid was found very close to the boat ramp by the dam face up. I'm sure all of you Texas guys know where the ammonite came from. All the way ........ well let me tell you, it's a pretty far piece from the parking lot! I see now the logic behind getting a boat to collect out there. I found out the hard way as I schlepped a much larger whole post-417-1209598346_thumb.jpgammo back to my vehicle in my back pack. Thank goodness i'm in shape!!

thank for lookin


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Very nice ammonite and urchin.

I have been there once with the DPS. It is a cool area and

I like those small ammonites with pyrite that are there also.

Your ammonite has really good detail...

Welcome to the forum!

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Thanks, I hit the ammo with an engraver real fast. I'll whittle on it some more pretty soon

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From the looks of it you found three, not two! Very nice finds.
Looks like you ride motorcycles, I do too! 2005 ZRX 1200 way too much fun! Ride Safe!


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Looks like you took a Mortoniceras and a Macraster from the Duck Creek formation. In the area Roz speaks of finding pyritized micromorphic ammonites I've also taken shark teeth, fish vertebrae, and crab claw fingers. A boat is the way to do Texoma. I have a small outboard which I've used to circumnavigate the entire lake, sampling all the formations exposed. One trip produced so many Eopachydiscus ammonites including my 90 pounder that we began taking on water when heading into the chop and I made my buddy jump out and swim to shore while I shuttled the loot 7 miles to the truck, then came back for him. I've taken some cool echinoids as well as cool pyritized ammonites with nacre in ironstone nodules at some of my favorite places on the lake. Some folks have found Kirklandia texana jellyfish there as well.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Guest N.AL.hunter
Looks like you ride motorcycles, I do too! 2005 ZRX 1200 way too much fun! Ride Safe!


Hope you are not disappointed, but we ride an Suzuki 650cc Burgman Scooter. Until this year the largest scooter made. 115 mph and 50 mpg. We love it. Yes, you ride safe too.

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Ok ,now I have a new quest Pyritized ammos. Is this ever gonna stop?

B :)

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Look small as they average 1/4 inch.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Maybe you will find a jellyfish too on your next hunt. I thought I found

one at the NSR but was never sure what it was, but apparently not a jellyfish.

If you do, please post a pic and of the small ammonites.

The tiny beautiful ammonites seem to hang out at the waters edge.

(in water pockets)

Welcome to the forum!

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Looks like you took a Mortoniceras and a Macraster from the Duck Creek formation. In the area Roz speaks of finding pyritized micromorphic ammonites I've also taken shark teeth, fish vertebrae, and crab claw fingers. A boat is the way to do Texoma. I have a small outboard which I've used to circumnavigate the entire lake, sampling all the formations exposed. One trip produced so many Eopachydiscus ammonites including my 90 pounder that we began taking on water when heading into the chop and I made my buddy jump out and swim to shore while I shuttled the loot 7 miles to the truck, then came back for him. I've taken some cool echinoids as well as cool pyritized ammonites with nacre in ironstone nodules at some of my favorite places on the lake. Some folks have found Kirklandia texana jellyfish there as well.

Hey Dan. Sounds like you guys have tons of fossil fun at that lake. But hey, you mention "cool pyritized ammo's in ironstone nodules". Those sound dang cool. Can you show us a picture of one?


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Will do when I get home tonight. They come from the ironstone concretion zone in the uppermost Weno fm. I find it to be overlooked by most collectors who focus on easier pickings of ammonites and echinoids in the Duck Creek and Fort Worth fms. It is a gray clay with red nodules. Most of the ammonites are partials, but I've taken a handful of nice Mortoniceras and Engonoceras ammonites there. Also presented in these nodules are Turritella, Cyprimeria, and other well preserved bivalves and gastropods. I found one fish tooth in a nodule there as well. This zone is supposedly traceable throughout much of Grayson and Cooke Counties; I've just never done the leg work.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Here are some Weno ironstone fossils and one Mortoniceras ammonite from a different facies of the same fm farther south. Note the intact rostrum on the latter.















Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Wow! Some of those are just cooler than you know what! That little rock with the two is super outstanding! If I lived down there, I would be hunting that area most of the time, I think. You seem to find some fossils that still have some shell and some color. Im used to seeing fossil from texas with no shell and no color. You have some wonderful stuff there Dan. Especially the ones that are still in the rock, my favorite way to diplay almost any fossil. I even have a 6 1/4 inch perfect meg in rock. One of the very few fossils that I have purchased for myself!


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Glad y'all like them. I know I'm particularly fond of them. Its hard down here to find nacreous ammonites that even hold a candle to the Pierre Shale/Bearpaw Shale/Fox Hills Sandstone material up north.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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