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Fossil Collecting Limit


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i was wondering what the limit is for fossil collecting in another province like alberta to ontario if i am flying i dont want any complications at the airport

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i was wondering what the limit is for fossil collecting in another province like alberta to ontario if i am flying i dont want any complications at the airport

The limit would be with weight. You'd have to check with the airline what the weight limit would be. Exceed that and you'll pay extra.

Each province has their own laws regarding fossil collecting. In Alberta, as I know it, you can surface collect only -no digging. Most of the maritimes don't allow any collecting at all.

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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thanks northern sharks i will check

The limit would be with weight. You'd have to check with the airline what the weight limit would be. Exceed that and you'll pay extra.

Each province has their own laws regarding fossil collecting. In Alberta, as I know it, you can surface collect only -no digging. Most of the maritimes don't allow any collecting at all.

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theres no real limit, well i dont think there is anyway.... but just like N.S. said, theres the plane weight limit


The Ordovician enthusiast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe there are any laws to worry about regarding taking fossils from one Canadian province to another.

There are definitely laws regarding removing fossils from Canada. You'll also run into problems with soil when crossing international boundaries; you'll occasionally meet a moron in the customs that thinks any soil clinging to rocks will instantly destroy all agriculture. There are laws to keep significant finds in Canada, but they're continually flouted and indeed significant collections have been built that are essentially stolen.

Also, vertebrate fossil material is taken very seriously in some provinces, and I'd strongly advise reading up on the law before messing with any kind of dino material. Professional paleontologists have convinced lawmakers that amateur paleontologists are a greater menace than cholera. It's an endangered hobby... dinosaur collectors are in fact now becoming dinosaurs, lol.


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  • 3 months later...

Are their real limits in the States?

Do you mean limits to what fossils you can collect, how many you can collect, or how you can collect them? Depending on who has jurisdiction of the land in question, the answer can be yes to any or all of the above. On private property, with permission, the only restrictions might be what the landowner will allow.

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Are their real limits in the States?

It is against the law to collect vertebrate fossils on federal lands and any items (vegetable, mineral, animal) in National Parks or Monuments. On state lands, it varies by state. On private lands it is up to the land owner.

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Some states restrict vert fossils but not inverts or shark teeth. Also on most federal BLM land, inverts are OK, but I would not go overboard and push the issue with collecting too many at once.

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My mom always warned me that if I collected one more rock under my bed the floor would cave in. lol

If fossils are so rare then why do I have so many?

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