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Small Guide To Identfy Fake Fossils


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Small guide for not buying fake fossils!

The bell rings .. Charles opens the door, the postman ... .. hooray! And finally 'came the much awaited package ... signing in haste and fall immediately into the house, having made space on the table, armed with scissors dismembered the package and gently pulled away countless sheets of crumpled newspaper and having unrolled "3000 meters" of "paper with bubbles "... ... here's the long awaited trilobite that bought 2 weeks ago 'on ebay. Fantastic ...! Proudly shows it to his wife (behind a forced smile that masks her mind phrases in sentences like "here's another stone dust"). He said, "dear, I was just lucky, you know how to sell this trilobite!?! No less than 800 euros ... .. you know how much I paid I ..!?!? only 70 euros including shipping! ... .... Is not 'a trilobite common ... this is a Psychopyge! And she continues to think "Psycho what?

yes you are right you need a psychologistic, you know how many beautiful things with seventy euro you can buy? or better yet paid me one of the 300 installments of a grant Alviero Martini. But Charles still praised wastes no time after evicting the 3 internal casts of bivalves the 2 pecten and 4 polished stones, which since childhood has identified as dinosaur eggs, puts her new purchase at the center of the window after it is territorial fights managed to get permission to place in the most remote of the salon.For months, proudly shows friends her trilo alien, until one evening showing it proudly to an old collector becomes aware that this is false! ... Unfortunately, this scene is not 'just a figment of my imagination, who knows how many new collectors have experienced at first hand (in my case, luckily, I avoided the sad surprise). Precisely for this reason I decided to dedicate a small section of the site to define guidelines that can help to identify a fossil forgery. But once we enter the merits .... as they say ........ great strategies to fight the enemy .... You must first know him. and for this reason I decided to buy 2 false triobite!!......

you can read the rest and see pics at this adress:


Danny (Fossil Hunter)

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if you tap one or the other with a light nail or something wouldnt the real one sound more like stone?

Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable is my mentor.

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Interesting...I would have never thought. Thanks.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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Great info, thanks for sharing. :)

In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat: but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress toward victory.

Alfred North Whithead

'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia!'

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Dude, that was great, and you're really funny! I love using the dog and fire tests too.

Good information. I don't collect trilo's, just shark teeth. Fortunately, it's a bit harder to fake a shark tooth. I have seen the fake Otodus arrangements from Morocco though. They take a bunch of nice Otodus teeth, then glue them to some reconstituted matrix, and arrange the teeth in a really nice "unnatural" placement, with all of them displayed with the more common display side facing up. I've seen them for sale on eBay and sent the seller's emails asking if they were fake arrangments, but they refused to answer.

Caveat emptor!

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