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Trip To Calvert Cliffs


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I thought I would run down to this spot to get some pics for the locations map and I'm glad I did! Most of the beach was full of the normal small teeth but there was this 100 yard stretch of beach that was unusually good to me on this day. Four complete Cow Shark teeth along with a very nice Mako all in exceptional condition.

post-281-1209955421_thumb.jpg View of the cliffs

post-281-1209955383_thumb.jpg Cliffs and one of the many sections that has fallen...be carefull!!


post-281-1209956169_thumb.jpg Zone 4post-281-1209956268_thumb.jpg Ostrea percrassa from zone 4


post-281-1209955817_thumb.jpg post-281-1209955838_thumb.jpg The Cow Shark teeth

post-281-1209956438_thumb.jpg The small Meg

post-281-1209955880_thumb.jpg Sweet Mako

post-281-1209955895_thumb.jpg One of the Porpiose teeth

post-281-1209955662_thumb.jpg Unidentified vert.

post-281-1209956411_thumb.jpg Porpiose epiphysis

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What a killer day at Brownie's!!! In 6 years I had few days that productive. It is also interesting to see the number of porpoise teeth you found, that's almost more impressive than the number of N. primigenius sevengills you found. Keep it up man, I miss hitting the cliffs sometimes, then I remember I'm in SC :D !

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Wow, great trip to the beach. I've found some interesting stuff in that area, but that beats my best day. Working on getting good pictures for this year's trips up.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Somnium

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The beach was in a generous mood! After years of watching winter storm tracks and calculating the tides, I had to conclude that it all came down to that mood...

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Glad you put the name next to them. What a great haul! I really like those cow shark teeth.

That vert is odd shaped. Please post if you find out what it is. Doesn't look like it

had another close to it.

From the tide, doesn't look like you have much time to hunt? It is a beautiful spot.

Welcome to the forum!

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Really nice pics of the cliffs. Also, enjoyed the pics of the teeth intermixed with the shell debris. A very nice day at the cliffs!

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Thanks for all your kind comments. It was one of my best days ever at that beach. The only days that beat it are the day that I found my 3 15/16" Meg and the day I found my Squalodon tooth. I hope to see soem of you down there this summer!

Roz, How long you get to hunt all depends on how wet you want to get. During the winter months we sometimes get a strong NW wind that tends to blow the water out and completely exposes areas that are usually under water. But you just never know what the bay is going to give you. One day you will find teeth during the incoming tide and the next day outgoing tides will be better. When Auspex said it depends on the "mood" of the bay he was right!

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  • 1 month later...

^^ me too, great finds

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

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