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An Allosaurus In Paris


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After Christie's in 2008 and 2009

Here are some pictures of the Sotheby's sale Tuesday, October 5 in Paris.

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Allosaurus (Marsh, 1877), Morisson Formation, Jurassic, Wyoming USA

This dinosaur belongs to Andreas Guhr possessing the "Red Gallery" in Hamburg.

Complete 70%

Length 10,12 meters, Height 2,25 meters

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Comura sp., Late Devonian, Morocco

Matrix : 13 x 10 cm (5,07 x 3,90 in); Fossil : 7,5 cm (2,925 in)

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Cryptocleidus sp. Early Jurassic, Gloucestershire, England

2 x 3 meters (78 x 117 in)

The Cryptocleidus is complete 70%

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Two Spinosaur teeth, cenomanian, Morocco

Height 14 cm (5,46 in) each

Edited by fossilis

Nuit des Temps (Français/English) : http://www.nuitdestemps.com

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Dorygnathus banthesis, jurassic, Holzmaden, Germany

Wingspan :88 cm (34,32 in)

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Drotops armatus, Silurian, Morocco

Matrix : 16 x 13 cm (6,24 x 5,07 in); Fossil : 11 cm (4,29 in)

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Halisaurus, Maastrichtian, Kourighba, Morocco

30 cm

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Megalonix Jeffersonii

Height : 2,4 meters (93,60 in)

The second part of this animal's scientific name (jeffersonii) come from the noma of Thomas Jefferson himself.

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Mene rhombea, Eocene, Monte Bolca, Italy

Matrix : 19,3 cm x 26 cm; Fossil : 12,5 cm x 16cm

Nuit des Temps (Français/English) : http://www.nuitdestemps.com

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So much fun to see what museums have...

Awesome fossils!

Those are all for sale at auction: call up Sotheby's and place a bid!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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They look awesome!

I want that Allosaurus :D

Maybe if I win the Euromillion this Friday (tis a £112 million jackpot) :wub::wub::wub:

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Glad you like this little story.

Here are some pictures. Latest !

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Rhamphorhynchus muensteri flying reptile

Lower jurassic from Solnhofen of Gemany

Wingspan : 92 cm (35,88 in) – Width : 68,5 cm (26,15 in)

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Wolly Rhinoceros, Pleistocene, Russia

Width : 4,10 meters (161,41 in)

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Fossil palm frond, Sabalites sp. Oligocene of White River Formation, USA

The palm leaf is remarkable for its size and quality of preservation.

Height : 2,48 meters (97,63 in) Width: 2,26 meters (88,97 in)

The leaf is bigger than me ! I am 1,80 meters (70,86 in)

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Scyphocrinites, Silurian, Erfoud, Morocco

Height : 2,48 meters (97,63 in) - Width: 2,10 meters (82,67 in)

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A rare Stenopterygius qiadricissus from the Lias of Holzmaden, Germany

Width : 1,82 meters (71,65 in) - Height : 62 cm (24,40 in)

This aquatic reptile was prepared by Dr Bernhard HAUFF Jr in 1957.

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Beautiful crocodil fossil, Susisuchus natoceps, Cretaceous, Brazil

Width : 40 cm (15,60 in)

Nuit des Temps (Français/English) : http://www.nuitdestemps.com

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Do not forget that in 2008 the Triceratops "Cliff" sold at Christie's Paris was bought by a rich American philanthropist and that this dinosaur is now in the Museum of Natural History in Boston.

Same in 2009 at Christie's Paris or Ophtalmosaurus was purchased by a French pharmacist. Now this aquatic reptile is exposed at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco.

In 2010, still in Paris but in another auction house named Drouot, a Lebanese bought the Spinosaurus (the only one in this state) for presentation at the Museum of Beirut

Edited by fossilis

Nuit des Temps (Français/English) : http://www.nuitdestemps.com

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The Allosaurus has just been sold for 1,296,750 euros ($ 1,794,312).

The Plesiosaur is sold 456.750 euros ($ 632,000).

Thanks for posting these, and for the follow-up. The Plesiosaur I would have liked but it's a trifle rich for my blood.

Guess I'll have to go find my own.... or at least parts!

BTW, didn't mean to dis the Allosaurus, very nice specimen. However, I've not heard of any from my area, so I have little hope of finding one of those here.

Edited by Haddy
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Wow!! Great pictures!

I love the Halisaurus and cryptoclidus!

The allosaurus looks great too. ^_^

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