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Warm Rocks Split, Cold Rocks Shatter


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Just a little heads up for all you hard core hunters out there and for all you new collectors that just can't get enough. Might sound silly but I always keep this in mind this time of year. If you are hunting where it gets cold, like me, pay extra attention to the temp of the stones. They will become much more brittle when it is cold than they are in the summer.

Using summer techniques like hitting stones hard with hammers this time of year may cause them to crumble, shatter or even disintergrate right in your hands. Warm stones split, frozen stones shatter. I know most of you have already fiqured this out but for those who have not, go a little lighter with the hammer until the rocks warm up in the spring. This little bit of advice saved me from a lot of shattered dreams so I'm passing it on to everyone. Just something to think about. Now bundle up and get out there!!!

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Hrmmmmmmm.... maybe I should head to Herkimer for Christmas.

Would be nice to get through three meters of viciously hard silicified limestone, and into the big quartz crystal vugs, with just a tap or two.

Heh, heh, heh. That would be dreamy.


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