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Rock With Holes


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I had a chance to go looking again yesterday and came across this strange rock. It has holes all over the top and sides, but none on the bottom. The holes are from 1/4" to about 1/2" deep. Some of the holes are perfectly round. The surface of the rock is smooth as silk. There were no other rocks that even in a remote way looked like this one. I am suspecting that it was carried into this area by the indians many years ago. It was found 5 miles North of Gunnison Utah in a area called the springs. Anyone see anything like this before?

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Marine invertebrates such as sea worms, boring clams, and sea urchins can bore holes in rocks and fossils.

I wrote a blog entry about this last spring on my website--http://markgelbart.wordpress.com

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those holes do not look like borer holes to me, I have seen volcanic rock look like that, but not usually that red. Natives would also make grinding stones from them.

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I think it might be just erosion. It happens alot in streams and rivers, even in slow moving creeks.

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Thanks Rick, I like it also. My problem is that I like all rocks. I have enough to start building a second great wall of China. My kids are going to hate me when I die.

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