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Could We Have Breathed The Air In The Carboniferous?

Gelatinous squid

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I'm watching Nigel Marven in Prehistoric Park and I can't help thinking there's a problem with the presentation. In Sea Monsters, he made a big show of putting on an oxygen mask before going back to the Ordovician, but now he's in the Carboniferous and he hasn't bothered to suit up at all. Wouldn't he eventually succumb to hyperoxia?

Edited by Gelatinous squid
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You know whats kinda ironic?

We cant live with out O2.

We die if we dont have it and we die if we have to much of it.............nature and evlution need to together and short this one out.


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Guest N.AL.hunter

How about this one: Would you want to breath during the Jurassic/Cretaceous times? Triassic might not have been too bad. The dinos were just getting started and probably emitted less "methane".

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Higher pressure than One atmosphere is necessary for hyperoxia. Diving with faulty rebreathers is a good way to get it. Pilots breathe pure oxygen for extended periods at high altitudes. My dad was a USAF pilot and after 30 years of that, the tissues in his sinuses and mouth were damaged from the extremely dry O2.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Breathing 40% oxygen wouldn't be a problem.

wow I didnt know too much oxygen is bad, thanks for posting

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